Exploring the Versatile Uses of Iron Oxide in Ceramics

Did you know its primarily utilized as a colorant, imparting rich reds, browns, and blacks to ceramic pieces. Its versatility in creating various hues makes it a favorite among potters. Depending on its concentration and the firing atmosphere, the resulting shades can vary dramatically. So, when pondering what is iron oxide used for in ceramics, … Read more

Unveiling the Distinctions Between Ceramic Oxides and Stains

Ceramic oxides and stains both add color to ceramic pieces, but they have distinct origins and applications. Oxides are derived from natural minerals and can produce varying results based on their concentration and firing conditions. Stains, on the other hand, are manufactured from refined materials to give consistent color outcomes. Exploring the contrasts between ceramic … Read more

How to Mend Broken Pottery or Ceramics

It’s both an art and a craft. How to mend broken pottery involves careful cleaning, aligning the pieces, and using strong adhesives or specialized materials to bring it back to life. Patience and precision are key. Mending broken pottery can restore its beauty and functionality. My Story: The Bird Bath that Defied Odds I once … Read more

Pottery Decorating Techniques Unleash Your Inner Artist

They are the artful methods that breathe life into ceramic creations. Pottery Decorating infuses personality and story into every piece of pottery. From simple brushwork to intricate designs, these practices stand at the heart of transformative Pottery Techniques. Mishima Pottery Mishima is a traditional Korean pottery decorating technique that has been embraced by potters worldwide. … Read more

Pottery Throwing Techniques Step-by-Step

Ever seen a lump of clay transform into a graceful vase? That’s the magic of throwing! From centering to pulling, each move’s an art dance on the wheel. What Are They? 1 Wedging: The Unsung Hero of Pottery We’re diving into the tactile world of wedging, which is basically the “warm-up” exercise in the pottery … Read more