The Story Behind Anna Pottery: From Small Town Roots to National Fame

The Story Behind Anna Pottery: From Small Town Roots to National Fame

It was a famous pottery company established by brothers Cornwall and Wallace Kirkpatrick in Anna, Illinois, in the mid-19th century. They produced unique and creative stoneware pieces, including jugs, pitchers, and bottles, that often featured intricate designs and political satire. Anna Pottery was renowned for its innovative techniques and materials. The Quirky, Creative and Intriguing … Read more

The Ultimate Showdown: Stoneware vs Earthenware – Which Reigns Supreme?

Stoneware vs Earthenware

Both are two types of ceramics used for pottery making. Stoneware is fired at high temperatures and is denser, stronger and more durable. Earthenware is fired at lower temperatures and is softer, more porous and more fragile. Stoneware is often used for tableware, while earthenware is used for decorative items. Pottery Wars: The Pros and … Read more

Terra Sigillata: The Magic of Fine Clay Slip and Its Many Uses in Ceramics

Terra Sigillata: The Magic of Fine Clay Slip and Its Many Uses in Ceramics

It’s fine-grained clay slip used in pottery to create a smooth, polished surface on ceramic ware. The name comes from the Latin “terra” (earth) & “sigillata” (sealed), referencing its ability to create a sealed surface. It is made by separating the fine particles of clay from coarser ones through a process of settling & decanting, … Read more

From Cracked to Pristine: How Kiln Wash Can Save Your Kiln and Your Pottery Projects

How Kiln Wash Can Save Your Kiln and Your Pottery Projects

It’s a coating applied to the kiln shelves to prevent ceramic pieces from sticking during firing. It is typically made of a mixture of materials like alumina hydrate, kaolin, and silica, and can be applied by brushing, spraying, or pouring. Kiln wash needs to be applied in multiple layers, and needs to be reapplied periodically. … Read more

The Beauty and Strength of Bone China

Bone china is a type of porcelain that is made from a mixture of clay, feldspar, & bone ash. It is known for its thin & delicate appearance, as well as its translucency. Bone ash, which is made from the bones of cows, gives bone china its unique properties. It was first developed in England … Read more

Uncovering the Secrets of Valuable Pottery: What to Look For

The value of pottery is based on several factors such as age, rarity, condition, historical & cultural significance, & the reputation of the artist or maker. Marks & signatures can also increase value. To determine the value of pottery, research & appraisals from reputable sources are recommended. A combination of factors must be considered to … Read more

Exploring the Depths of Earth to Find Clay

Clay can be found in various parts of the world, including riverbeds, hillsides, and sedimentary rock formations. It is formed by the weathering of rocks over a long period of time. Types of clay are formed depending on the composition of the parent rock and the prevailing environmental conditions. Clay is also sometimes found in … Read more