Is Ceramic Recyclable?

Is It Possible To Recycle Ceramic? Ceramic cannot be melted down in recycling waste facilities. Ceramics are sometimes accepted by recycling facilities that take brick, concrete, and other construction waste materials. Ceramics have very high melting temperatures, much higher than metals and polymers, because of their high bond strengths. The melting point of most ceramics … Read more

How Strong Is Unfired Clay?

It’s kind of a strange question but deserves an answer. I am not sure why you would ever want to keep unfired clay. What Is the Strength of Unfired Clay? Unfired clay is not very strong at all. Unfired clay contains a lot of moisture and is fragile. If dropped, unfired clay would break. Unfired … Read more

Can Porcelain Be Microwaved

Is Ceramic Microwave Safe? Porcelain plates with no metallic decorations and have the microwave safe symbol are perfectly safe to put into the microwave. Porcelain plates having paint conducting decorations and lead glazes are damaged by being microwaved. Microwaving porcelain plates with metallic decorations of any kind should be avoided. The paint used for decorations … Read more

Greenware Ceramics Definition

It’s clay that has been given shape but not yet fired in a kiln. Greenware is the stage where it contains water and is shaped and molded into its ultimate form. It’s still malleable clay. Once fired, clay is no longer Greenware. Greenware clay is highly fragile and weak since it contains a lot of … Read more

Unfired Clay

What Is Unfired Clay? Unfired clay is called Greenware. Unfired clay contains a lot of moisture. It actually contains water in a sufficient amount so that the unfired clay is soft and malleable. It’s at this stage that the unfired clay can easily be formed into different shapes. The clay bodies are in a plastic … Read more