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Fresco Painting
- Artwork: “The Last Supper” by Leonardo da Vinci
- Artist: Leonardo da Vinci
- Time Period: Renaissance, late 15th century

- Artwork: “Judith Beheading Holofernes” by Caravaggio
- Artist: Caravaggio
- Time Period: Baroque, early 17th century

- Artwork: “The Night Watch” by Rembrandt
- Artist: Rembrandt
- Time Period: Baroque, mid-17th century

- Artwork: “A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte” by Georges Seurat
- Artist: Georges Seurat
- Time Period: Post-Impressionism, late 19th century

- Artwork: “Starry Night” by Vincent van Gogh
- Artist: Vincent van Gogh
- Time Period: Post-Impressionism, late 19th century

- Artwork: “Still Life with Chair Caning” by Pablo Picasso
- Artist: Pablo Picasso
- Time Period: Cubism, early 20th century

Surrealist Automatism
- Artwork: “The Elephants” by Salvador Dalí
- Artist: Salvador Dalí
- Time Period: Surrealism, mid-20th century

Action Painting
- Artwork: “No. 5, 1948” by Jackson Pollock
- Artist: Jackson Pollock
- Time Period: Abstract Expressionism, mid-20th century

Color Field Painting
- Artwork: “No. 5/No. 22” by Mark Rothko
- Artist: Mark Rothko
- Time Period: Abstract Expressionism, mid-20th century

Pop Art Silkscreen Printing
- Artwork: “Marilyn Diptych” by Andy Warhol
- Artist: Andy Warhol
- Time Period: Pop Art, mid-20th century
- Rendition by Artabys

Stencil Graffiti
- Artwork: “There Is Always Hope – Balloon Girl” by Banksy
- Artist: Banksy
- Time Period: Street Art, early 21st century